Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Happiness Is all we have to achieve!

Ever since I have become of age I have always wonder what would happen the day I die? Will I be happy with all that I achieved in this world? As I thought harder and harder of these questions one thing that I came up upon was that I have always been scared to really be who I am and do to that sometimes I don't accomplish many of the things that I would like to accomplish. I have made a bucket list of my top 10 things that I would like to let my fear go for once and be able to accomplish these before I die.
1. Be the BEST mother I can be for my Son!
2.. Say sorry to anyone that I have may hurt either physically or verbally.  
3.Let go FOREVER of any grudges
4. BE ME all the time without caring what others will say.
5. Go Skydiving.
6. Go zip lining in the highest place possible.
7. Climb Mountain Everest   
8. Take a trip to Hawaii for the first time.
9. Travel the world.
10. Buy myself a brand new car.
My top numbers on my bucket list are things that I would like to get done for myself to be in piece with who I am. My most important thing as you saw Is to be and continue being the best mother I can be for my Son, teach him the values of life and the hardships. I want him to grow up to be a hardworking young man. I also want to be able to say sorry to anyone that maybe I hurt thru out my life, it could be either physically or mentally. Just for once in my life I would like to be able to be myself without being afraid of what other people might think of me or just to be judged by others. Then from there the next things on my bucket list would be things that I would enjoy to experience before I pass away,. These are things that I have seen others do but I have just never had the courage to do it myself. I think its about time to just think about myself and make myself happy for once.

Is the true equation to happines work?

Does work equal happiness?
In my point of view not to the majority of people but to others what may make them  happy to others its not. In my personal opinion you need to be able to divide time into something you enjoy doing  and work. You need to be able to find a balance between both important things. When you think about work what comes to your mind? To my mind only hard work, a salary, long hours, and sometimes no fun comes to my mind. In order to have a balance you need fun time when I think about fun time I think about being relax, letting go of problems, being happy and most of all being you. Being a workaholic isn't the best for anyone but also not working isn't eithers. From personal experience I can say my Dad is a workaholic and that has affected my relationship with him. I am not as close as I wish I could be with him because I feel like we don't relate at all. He spends most of his time working so I rarely even see him. So think about it are you willing to let your fun time behind just to make money?